Synopsis: Irish Baines, a reformed thug, is doing all he can to turn things around. He's got two daughters, Pearl and Diamond, that he wants to keep away from his past life. Unfortunately, at the age of fourteen, they both became pregnant and gave birth on the same day. Seeing the pain in her father's eyes, Pearl decided to do better in life and move forward. Diamond however enjoyed the street life. Drugs, stealing, and sex were all she could think about. It didn't matter if she put herself in danger or her family. The more she did, the more things became unzipped for her family. Pearl having been gone and changing her life, has to come back and figure out what happened to her family and why.
My Review:
This book was worth it. Some of the details from their pregnancy were a little gruesome, but unlike some other stories, they fit the purpose. I wish Diamond had just a moment of relief. I understand her life choices were the reason a lot of things took place, but I still wanted to see a glimpse of hope from her. I held my breath at the end because I just didn't know what would happen next. There was such a whirlwind of things, and it never seemed like a positive would come from it. I'm just glad that what I thought would happen didn't happen. I've read books by Noire before and she never disappoints. As I stated before, some of the scenes were hard to read, but she did it with a purpose. Unlike other books, I've read where they threw it in for a big shock factor and it just came off as disgusting.